[See Rules 253 & 254 (e) (iii) 254 (80 255 (1) (iv)]
1) Name of the Police Station Roha
2) CR No./TAR No./SDE No. 086/2021
3) Date, Time and place of the accident Case Reg. Date :- 2021-07-20
Accident Date and Time:- 2021-07-19 11:50:00
Accident Place:- AT. Roha Kolad Raykar Park Near Vaibhav Jewellers at front side Roha Tel. Roha Dist. Raigad Maharashtra
4) Name of the injured/Deseased Sandip Morling Jangam
5) Name of the hospital to which he/she was removed None
6) Name of vehicle and type of the vehicle 1. Bick MH 06 BK 4883
7) Name and address of the driver of the vehicle with particular or driving licence of the said driver and the address of the issuing authority of the said driving licence. The number of badge in case of public service vehicle and the address of the issuing authority of the said badge Driver Name:- Sandip Morling Jangam
Driver's Address:- AT. Bhuvaneshwar Tel. Roha Dist. Raigad
Licence No:- None
8) Name and address of the owner of the vehicle as it stands on the date of accident Owner Name:- None
9) Name and address of the insurance company with whom the vehicle was insured and the divisional office of the said insurance company
10) Number of Insurance policy/Insurance certificate and the Date of validity of the insurance Policy/Insurance certificate
11) Action taken, if any and the result thereof FIR Report
HC/ 2041 S. S. Adhikari Mo. No. 9421170759
Inspector of Police
Roha Police Station
N. B. - This form should accompany with all the necessary document viz. (1) I.R. (2) Panchanama (3) Medical certificate /Post Motern Report